Why is My Vagina So Sensitive?

We don’t have many easy words to describe our genitalia. “Down there” is too loaded, while clit is too sexy and suggests stealing.

Some people with sensitive vulva suffer from chronic pain or have flare-ups of common infections such as thrush or bacterial vaginosis – These words are a blend of the website author’s insights and experiences https://sexlovechat.com. Treatment depends on the cause, and may include lifestyle changes and medications.


Pain, itchiness and discharge around the vulva can be caused by many things. These include infection, injury, health conditions and pelvic floor problems. It can also be caused by hormone changes, such as those occurring during pregnancy or menopause.

Irritation of the skin on and around the vulva can be caused by irritants such as soaps, perfumes, vaginal lubricants or cleaning products. These may be found in shops and supermarkets, but it is important to check labels to ensure that they do not contain any irritants. Irritation can be a result of an allergy to these or other substances, and a doctor can help to identify the cause.

Itching can be a sign of an overgrowth of the bacteria that normally live in the vulva (bacterial vaginosis) or of a genital yeast infection called Candida albicans. These can be treated with an over-the-counter antifungal cream. A bacterial infection may be treated with antibiotics. If symptoms persist, a doctor may need to prescribe a stronger medication.

The vulva is delicate, and the skin can be injured or irritated by rough clothing, bedding or exercise. Washing underwear, towels and any other fabrics that come into contact with the vulva in unscented detergents can help to prevent irritation. If a woman finds that sex is uncomfortable, painful or not possible because of vaginal sensitivity, it is worth consulting a sex therapist.

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The vulva (outer portion of the female genitalia) is sensitive because of irritation or infection. The most common cause of vaginal irritation is vaginitis. This is an inflammation of the vulva and can cause pain, discharge, itching or an odor. It may also occur due to a yeast infection, which can be treated with over-the-counter antifungal creams. It can also be caused by sexually transmitted infections such as trichomoniasis or chlamydia, which are commonly called STIs.

The area of the vulva where you feel pain is usually surrounded by two flaps of skin known as your labia minora (inner vaginal lips) and a mound of tissue called your mons pubis, which extends from the top of your clitoris. Beneath the clitoris is your urethral opening and anus (the hole where you poop), which is separated by a layer of tissue called the perineum.

Symptoms of vaginal irritation include burning, itching or painful discharge, itchy or swollen labia, pain with urination, sore or swollen vulva muscles and/or a strong or foul-smelling vaginal odor. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult with a doctor or pharmacist for diagnosis and treatment. To reduce the likelihood of vaginal irritation, avoid contact with perfumed soaps and washcloths, use unscented menstrual products and wear loose-fitting cotton underwear. It is also important to not douche or steam the vulva and only swim in chlorinated water.

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There are a number of treatments that can help ease vulva and vaginal pain and discomfort. If an infection, such as a yeast infection or a bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI), is the cause, an over-the-counter antifungal cream can often clear up the problem. Bacterial infections may need a course of antibiotics. A doctor will examine the vulva and vagina to diagnose the problem and prescribe treatment.

Changes in the vulva can occur with ageing and may result in irritation, itching and dryness. The hood of skin covering the clitoris may shrink, which can lead to painful intercourse or chafing of the area. Dryness can also be caused by a decrease in the amount of vaginal secretions and the loss of fatty tissue. It is important to see a GP to discuss these changes and the resulting symptoms.

Treatment for vulvodynia can include pelvic floor muscle exercises, biofeedback and psychotherapy. Your GP or therapist might recommend a special device called a vaginal dilator, which can be used at home to stretch and desensitise the vulva.

If vulvodynia is caused by stress or unresolved trauma, therapy can help you learn techniques to reduce stress and cope with the pain. Some people might benefit from trying cognitive behavioral therapy, which teaches patients to notice negative thoughts and change how they respond.


As we age, our vulva and vaginal canal become drier and less elastic. That makes it easier for bacteria to enter the area and cause pain, itching, discharge and other symptoms of vulvodynia. It’s also easier to develop an infection such as bacterial vaginosis (BV).

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The best way to prevent your vulva from becoming oversensitive is to use products that are safe for this sensitive part of the body. That means washing with soap and water that is unscented, and using white toilet paper that’s free of perfumes. It’s also important to avoid tight clothing, especially underwear that may irritate the area. And never douche, since it throws off the normal balance of your vulva’s microflora and can lead to an infection.

If you are experiencing a sudden change in your female sensitivity, it’s important to talk to a doctor about your symptoms. He or she will ask questions about your medical and sexual history to diagnose the condition. Your doctor may also perform a pelvic exam, or use a cotton swab to test for an infection.

If you want to boost your pleasure during sex, try taking time for pleasure mapping — which is an exploration of different areas of the body that you find pleasurable. This is a great way to increase your female sensitivity and boost orgasm during partnered sex, as well as during solo masturbation.

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