Why Does My Vagina Itch on My Period?

There could be a bunch of reasons why your vagina is itching during your period. For example, using scented pads, panty liners or tampons that can irritate the area and cause a contact allergy.

Itching may also be a sign of a yeast infection or BV, which can be diagnosed by taking a vaginal culture.


When the delicate areas of your vulva become irritated, itching is usually one of the first symptoms to manifest. Irritation can be caused by many different things ranging from a yeast infection to hormone changes. If you have a symptom like this and it isn’t cleared up by over the counter treatments, make an appointment with your gynecologist so that they can evaluate it and treat it correctly.

Vaginal itching before a period is often just a normal part of the menstrual cycle and nothing to worry about. Your body goes through hormonal changes every month and these can affect your vaginal pH levels. When this happens, it can cause a fishy-smelling discharge that makes you itch. This can also occur if you take the birth control pill or other gynecological medications that affect your hormones.

Itching may also be a sign of an overgrowth of yeast cells, which is very common during the menstrual cycle. You can use over the counter antifungal creams to help with this issue, and you should avoid doing things that can cause further irritation. For example, do not douche or use feminine hygiene washes – these products wash away the good bacteria in your vulva and can allow yeast and other unwanted germs to thrive. Additionally, try not to itch the area and instead use loose, breathable clothing, wash your vulva with non-scented products, and soak in a sitz bath with baking soda (four to five tablespoons). This can help get rid of itching and a yeast infection quickly.

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Itching during your period isn’t just frustrating, it can be a sign of a serious health issue. Depending on what’s causing your itching, there are a variety of treatments to help relieve the discomfort.

Vaginal itching can occur as a result of hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle, or it can be caused by irritation to the vulva from certain hygiene products you use such as tampons and pads. You may also be experiencing a sensitivity or allergy to the materials used in these types of hygiene products. You should try to change the brand of pad and tampon you use, or consider using only pads and washable menstrual wipes that are unscented.

Tampons absorb the blood that would normally lubricate the vulva, so they can dry up the area, causing itching. You can avoid this itching by using a more natural form of lubrication, such as rubbing alcohol or vaseline petroleum jelly. If you’re unsure of what’s causing your itching, talk to your doctor.

Sometimes, itching can be a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease, so it’s important to get tested if you’re worried. Itching during your period can also be a symptom of a condition known as atrophic vulvovaginitis, which occurs due to low estrogen levels and can lead to vaginal atrophy and itchiness. You can treat this type of itching by taking estrogen supplements, such as a pill or topical cream.

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Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are more common than you might think, especially around the time of your period. The itching that comes with yeast infection is often severe and is accompanied by thick, clumpy, white vaginal discharge that doesn’t have much of an odor and a red, swollen ring near the opening to your vulva (labia). If you suspect you have a yeast infection, talk to your OB/GYN. Using over-the-counter medications can help, and there are also prescription antifungal pills available for women with chronic or recurrent yeast infections.

If you’re not sure if itching before your period is due to an irritant or yeast, try switching the products you use in this area. Avoid feminine sprays, powders, and perfumes, and opt for natural pads or tampons without added fragrance. Switching to breathable cotton underwear can also reduce friction, which can cause irritation.

Itching can also be a symptom of bacterial vaginosis, which is an infection of the vaginal cells that causes itching and burning. This infection can be caused by an imbalance in the bacteria and fungus that live in your vagina, and it can occur with different factors including hormone changes, pregnancy, and high estrogen levels from birth control or hormone therapy. It can also be a side effect of some medications, like steroid pills. Your OB/GYN can diagnose this with a simple pelvic exam and vaginal culture.

Hormonal Changes

Women with itchy vaginas during their periods may be able to relieve the condition with over-the-counter anti-fungal cream or oral medication. If a yeast infection is the cause, antibiotics are prescribed to balance the level of good bacteria in the vulva and help alleviate symptoms. The itchiness caused by bacterial vaginosis is remedied by washing the vulva often with gentle soap and changing out of wet clothes as quickly as possible to avoid irritation and a build-up of bacteria.

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The itching associated with menstruation can also be a sign of sensitivities or allergies to products used in the vulva, such as sanitary pads, tampons or other hygiene products. Try switching to a new brand or type of pad, tampon or wash, and use less perfumed lotions and soaps to see if these are the cause of the itching.

Most of the itching that occurs before your period is due to hormonal changes and is nothing to worry about, especially if you’re not experiencing other symptoms like swelling of the vulva or a watery or foamy discharge with a foul smell. The itching will stop once the hormones start to normalise. However, if the itching is accompanied by other symptoms, visit your doctor immediately. A gynecologist can check your symptoms and give you advice on how to treat them or refer you to a dermatologist if necessary.

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