I Had Unprotected Sex A Week Ago

Unprotected sex is nearly always associated with pregnancy risk and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If you’ve had unprotected sex, it’s important to know your options.

It’s best to wait until your period is due or until one week after sex to take a pregnancy test. That gives your body enough time to produce the hCG hormone that pregnancy tests detect.

1. You’re spotting

There are a lot of things that can cause bleeding between periods, but spotting after unprotected sex is often the first sign of pregnancy. Other symptoms of pregnancy include a missed period, tender or swollen breasts, nausea and fatigue. Spotting can also be caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs), like chlamydia and gonorrhea, or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

It can take several days after sex for sperm to meet an egg and become fertilized, then another few weeks for the fertilized egg to implant into the uterus’ lining. When this happens, the lining releases a hormone called hCG which a pregnancy test can detect.

However, there are other reasons for spotting that aren’t related to pregnancy, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI) or cervical polyps. If you’re spotting and also having pain when you pee, or blood in your toilet paper, you should go to the doctor right away. They’ll be able to diagnose the problem for you. If you have a UTI, they’ll give you antibiotics to treat it. If you’re spotting because of unprotected sex, they may recommend the morning after pill or STI testing.

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2. You’re feeling really tired

Getting enough sleep and managing stress levels can help combat feelings of fatigue, but sometimes it’s not enough. If you’re feeling really tired all the time, it could be a sign of chronic fatigue syndrome, which may require medical attention.

Being overly tired can also be a sign of low sexual drive. If you’re feeling too tired to want to have sex, it may be time to talk about your relationship with your partner. If you’re too overwhelmed by work, home or volunteer commitments to take the time to have a serious conversation, it’s worth seeing a therapist or asking for help.

Bloating and gas after sex can be caused by sexual exhaustion, over-masturbation, a health condition like IBS or GERD, certain foods, or even pregnancy. It’s important to eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water to avoid these symptoms. If you’re not eating a balanced diet, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss it. They can offer advice and recommendations for organisations that can help. They can also prescribe antacids and other medications to relieve symptoms.

3. You’re feeling sick

A lot of people feel nauseous after sex, but it’s not always a bad thing. In fact, it can mean your body is getting rid of any bacteria that got in through unprotected sex, as well as a whole heap of other stuff.

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It can also be a sign that you’re getting a urinary tract infection, which can happen if there are traces of sex residue or bacteria in your urethra or bladder. This can make it hurt to pee and your tummy may feel sore, too.

It’s important to be honest with your partner and talk about how you’re feeling after sex, whether you’re pregnant or not. It can help you both think through your options and decide what’s best for you, especially if you want to try and get a pregnancy test or an STI test. And remember, it’s really important to see a GP two weeks after having unprotected sex, even if you don’t have any symptoms of STIs or pregnancy. That way, if you do become pregnant or infected with an STI it’ll be much easier to treat it early.

4. You’re having irregular periods

Girls who have irregular periods can ovulate at different times from one cycle to the next. This can make it really hard to know when you are most fertile, and this is why unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy.

When you have sex without protection and miss your period, the sperm can stay alive and fertilise an egg for up to 7 days. This can cause a missed period but it also increases the chance of infection with a sexually transmitted disease (STI) such as chlamydia, genital warts, or HIV.

It’s a good idea to take a home pregnancy test after 10 days have passed since you had your unprotected sex. You can get them from most pharmacies, supermarkets, and drug stores, or a sexual health clinic will give you one for free. A blood pregnancy test can offer slightly more accurate results but they take longer to get your results. If you are having irregular periods, it’s important to talk to your GP about it. They can talk to you about your options and provide advice and support.

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5. You’re getting headaches

If you’re getting a headache with slurred speech, changes in vision, trouble moving your arms or legs, or if you have a fever, it could be a sign that you’re getting an infection. Call your GP for advice.

It’s not a good idea to get unprotected sex, but sometimes condoms break or you forget to take your pill. If you have unprotected sex, check out our guide to what to do next. It’s full of tips to help you stay safe and get the support you need. This includes help with pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections and other stuff that might worry you.

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