How to Loosen Vagina With Yoga and Massage

Some women experience tight muscles in their vulva and vagina. This can make intercourse uncomfortable or even painful. It can also lead to conditions like vulvodynia or vaginismus.

Many people think that having frequent sex will loosen their vagina, but this is not true. Your vulva will only lose its elasticity after childbirth or with age.

The Happy Baby Pose

Known in yoga as Ananda Balasana, the Happy Baby Pose can loosen your vagina and strengthen the surrounding muscles. The posture is aptly named as it resembles a newborn discovering its feet for the first time, opening the hips and stretching the inner thighs and groin, as well as releasing tension in the back and sacrum.

The pose stretches the outer hips and back of the legs, improving circulation to the genital area, making orgasms more pleasurable. It also opens the lower back and shoulders, reducing the chance of injury or strain during sex. For women who suffer from painful intercourse, gynecological exams or tampon insertion, it can help to soothe the autonomic nervous system by calming and soothing the vagus nerve.

This stretch can be done any time of day, but it’s particularly helpful when it comes to sexual dysfunction caused by tight pelvic floor muscles, including dyspareunia, a condition that causes pain during penetration or intercourse and often results in urinary leakage. Tight pelvic floor muscles can also cause bowel problems, such as constipation or diarrhea, so regular stretching is critical.

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The Happy Baby Pose is a great complement to other sex-oriented exercises, such as bridge pose and tuck jumps, which also improve vaginal mobility and increase the strength of the pelvic floor muscles. It’s a good way to start your routine of easing vaginal tightening naturally, but you should always consult a pelvic floor physical therapist before trying anything new.

The Vaginal Stretch

Throughout the course of life, our bodies go through many changes. These can spark questions, concern and curiosity. Some may have to do with sexuality, others can be related to the vagina.

A common question is how to loosen the vagina for penetration. One way is to try different sexual positions, such as doggy style and cowgirl, as well as using lots of lubrication. It also helps to have more foreplay and make sure you are very aroused before trying penetration.

Another method is to perform a vaginal stretch. To do this, lie down on your back with your legs outstretched and bent at the knees. Then, use a water-based lubricant or oil such as vitamin E and massage your perineum and vaginal opening. Then, place your thumbs inside the vaginal canal (depth of 1st knuckle). Press down and to the side, and then rotate the muscles gently in a U-shaped movement for 2-3 minutes.

It is normal for the vulva to lose some of its elasticity after childbirth, but it will gradually return to its original shape. It can also lose elasticity due to age. Other factors that contribute to a tight vagina are a diet low in protein and omega-3 fats, as well as dehydration. This is because these foods reduce the body’s production of the amino acid, prolactin, which is needed to keep the pelvic floor muscles tight.

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The Pelvic Tilt

If you’ve been feeling like your vagina is looser than it used to be, it could be because of damage to your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles support the bladder, uterus, and vaginal walls. They can be stretched during childbirth or damaged by heavy weightlifting. This can lead to weakened muscle tone, bladder control issues, and even sexlessness. Fortunately, most of these problems are treatable with some simple exercises.

One of the best ways to tighten your pelvic floor muscles is with a Kegel exercise. To perform a kegel, lie down on your back with your knees bent up. Visualize your urethra, then clench and tighten the muscles around it like you’re trying to stop yourself from peeing mid-stream. Repeat for up to ten times each day.

Other exercises that can help to tighten your pelvic floor muscles are squats and leg raises. These can be done while lying on the floor or standing up with your back against the wall. You can also try using a medicine ball in these exercises for an added challenge.

There is no such thing as a “loose vagina,” though some people’s vulvae may feel looser than others’. Your vulva can stretch slightly to accommodate things coming in (like a tampon or sex toy) or going out (like having children). But your vulva won’t lose its elasticity permanently.

The Vaginal Massage

Vaginal massage, or yoni massage, is a form of orgasmic masturbation that women can practice by themselves. It involves massaging the inner vulva area, which releases physical knots as well as emotional and energetic blocks. It also increases sensitivity and sensitivity in the area, which can help with healing from sexual trauma.

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During the yoni massage, Phoenix uses her index and middle finger to gently palpate the inside of the vulva. She moves them in circles, checking for tight spots, numb areas, and knots. If she has her client’s consent, she will even put her fingers inside the vagina and press and squeeze. Phoenix says this can cause orgasm for some people, but not all. It’s important to understand that the point isn’t to feel orgasm, but rather to connect with your body and to learn what you like.

There isn’t a lot of research on the benefits of yoni massage, but many women say it has helped them tune into their bodies and their feelings. It has also aided in the healing process of sexual trauma and improved their sex lives by relieving pain or numbness. Women have also reported that yoni massage can increase orgasms and make sex more intense. It’s best to begin yoni massage when the muscles are warm and relaxed, such as after a shower.

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