Why Does the Tip of My Pee Hole Burn After Ejaculation?

Many factors can cause pain while urinating. This article will explore several of them, including urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), urinary tract infections and prostate gland infections.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea and syphilis may also cause pain during urination. These infections can be easily treated with antibiotics.


Urethritis is an inflammation (swelling) of the urethra – the tube that takes urine out of your body. Usually, urethritis is caused by an infection. Most often, it’s a sexually transmitted infection, such as gonorrhea. But it can also be caused by other types of STIs, or by things that irritate the urethra, such as douches, spermicides and personal lubricants.

When a man has urethritis, the tip of his penis can burn when he pees. This can be very painful. He may also have pain when he urinates, or have a discharge from the penis or a vagina. Occasionally, he may also have pelvic pain or a fever.

If you think you have urethritis, tell your doctor about your symptoms. Your doctor will do a physical exam. He or she will likely also test a sample of the urethra’s discharge. This will help them decide if you have a bacterial infection that needs treatment with antibiotics.

If you have a bacterial infection that does not respond to antibiotics, your doctor may need to do other tests. These could include blood tests or X-rays. In rare cases, your doctor may need to do a procedure, such as dilation or cystoscopy, to open the urethra. In most cases, a person with urethritis will get better when treated with antibiotics.

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Urinary tract infection

Painful urination after ejaculation isn’t a standalone health problem but is usually a symptom of another health condition. It can be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI) which occurs when bacteria from the vagina, genital, or anal areas enters your urethra and travels to the bladder. Bacteria can get into the urethra from wiping after going to the toilet, sexual activity, or even just urinating in the wrong place. UTIs are more common in women but men can also get them.

The urethra is the tube in your penis that carries urine out of the body. It’s surrounded by two tubes called the corpora cavernosa, which are soft until an erection forms. During an erection, sperm cells and seminal fluid pass through the corpora cavernosa to enter the urethra during ejaculation. The urethra can become irritated and painful from an STD, unprotected sex, or if you’re allergic to lubricants or condoms.

Sometimes the urethra can be blocked by scarring (a urethral stricture). A urethral stricture can decrease your ability to empty your bladder and makes it hard to urinate. It can also cause the feeling that your penis is burning during sex. If you have a urethral stricture, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or recommend a treatment to break down the scar tissue. Symptoms of a urethral stricture include a frequent urge to urinate, a burning sensation while urinating, or pain in your penis and testicles.

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Prostate gland infection

Painful ejaculation is a common problem for men. It can be caused by a number of conditions, including infection, cystitis, prostate problems and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

A burning sensation during urination is usually due to irritation of the urethra. But it can also be a sign of bladder or kidney infections, or a condition called a UTI that affects the bladder and the tubes connected to it, such as the ureters and the urethra.

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that sits below the bladder in men. It surrounds the top portion of the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the penile area (the urethra). The prostate and other sex glands produce the fluid that transports sperm during ejaculation. Inflammation of the prostate, which is called prostatitis, can cause painful ejaculation and pain in the groin, pelvic area or genitals.

A doctor can diagnose the cause of your symptoms by taking a detailed history and doing a rectal examination. This involves inserting a gloved finger into the rectum and feeling around for any abnormalities. They may also do a sample of your blood and urine to check for infection and to identify other possible causes, such as STIs. They will recommend a course of treatment for any infections they find. They will also advise you about how to reduce your chances of getting this type of pain in the future.

Sexually transmitted infection

STIs are bacterial or viral infections that spread through sexual contact. These infections can lead to pain when you pee or itching in the penis or vagina. They can also cause a burning sensation in the area of the infection and a discharge from the area. Some STIs include gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, syphilis, and trichomoniasis.

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If you have a urethral stricture, scar tissue has formed around the opening of the urethra, which decreases your ability to empty your bladder. A urethral stricture can also block some or all of your semen, which leads to painful intercourse or orgasm. A urethral stricture is usually diagnosed with a physical exam and a urine sample.

A prostate gland infection can also cause pain when you urinate and a burning sensation in the penis. The prostate gland is a small gland that produces fluid to mix with sperm and produce semen. A prostate infection can be caused by a number of things, including an allergic reaction to latex condoms or lubricants.

It’s important to get checked for STIs regularly, especially if you are having unprotected sex with new partners. This helps prevent the spread of STIs to other people and reduces the risk of pregnancy. Get tested at a sexual health clinic, a contraceptive clinic, or your GP. It’s also a good idea to talk to your partner about getting tested for STIs together.

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