How to Heal a Cut on Your Vagina

A cut on your vagina can be a painful experience. Minor tears and cuts usually cause pain during urination or sexual activity and may bleed. However, more serious injuries like deep or persistent bleeding require medical attention.

Fortunately, most cuts on the vulva are not medically serious and will heal quickly without scarring or long-term complications, according to UW Medicine. However, certain conditions can increase your chances of developing a vaginal cut or tear.

Wash the area

If you have a small cut or tear inside your vagina, it is usually harmless and will heal on its own within a few days. But a deeper wound, one that bleeds or seems to be infected, or one that doesn’t improve with self-care should be seen by a doctor, UW Medicine reports.

Small cuts and abrasions that are caused by sex, shaving or foreplay often hurt when they are exposed to the friction of your underwear. But you can help them heal faster by washing the area with water, not soap. And make sure to wear loose cotton underwear to prevent the cut from rubbing against tight or constricting clothing.

You can also wash the area with a saltwater bath or with witch hazel. The salt kills certain bacteria that can infect open wounds, and the witch hazel acts as an astringent to help close the cut and reduce bleeding.

But if the cut is deep or you notice a lot of blood, it’s best to see a doctor immediately. Deep tears are more serious and may need stitches to be repaired. They typically happen during childbirth or because of accidents during sex. But they can also be the result of a chronic skin condition. Leaving them untreated can lead to long-term complications. And even if you don’t need stitches, a visit to your doctor can help prevent future problems.

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Apply a barrier ointment

The skin on the vulva is delicate and sensitive, and injuries to this area can be painful and difficult to heal. These wounds can be more common in women who have vaginal dryness or other skin conditions, and in some cases, the cuts are caused by using a razor to remove pubic hair.

Most cuts to the genital area are small and don’t require medical attention, but they can cause discomfort and make sexual activity difficult. A cut in the vulva can bleed a lot because of its rich blood supply, and minor injuries to the genital region can sometimes lead to bleeding into the labia or urethra.

Tears and cuts inside the vulva are most often caused by penetration during sex, but they can also be caused by toys that have sharp or rough edges, or by a tampon that rubs against the skin in the wrong way. Using a lubricant with any type of penetration can help reduce the chances of these kinds of injuries, Rawlins says.

Most tears can heal on their own if they are kept clean and free of anything that could irritate them, but deeper injuries may need to be stitched up. Women who have third or fourth degree vaginal tears should visit a doctor for this, as these can lead to infection or separation of the repaired area. The doctor can use a needle to repair the injury and will also examine the rest of the pelvic area for signs of serious injuries, such as a hematoma.

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Avoid sex

Most minor vaginal cuts don’t require treatment and heal fast. However, you should avoid sexual practices that involve the area until it heals. You should also wear loose-fitting cotton underwear to prevent the wound from irritating your skin further. If you experience any signs of infection, see a doctor right away.

Tears to the vulva can be caused by sex, abrasions, tampons, an underlying condition, or childbirth. Depending on the severity of the tear, you may need stitches. Most tears that occur during sex are small and can be prevented by using plenty of lubrication during intercourse, says a gynecologist.

Using a barrier ointment such as Aquaphor or Bacitracin on the outside of your vulva can help your cut heal faster. These ointments can repair your skin’s natural moisture and provide a protective barrier against bacteria. You can also try to reduce irritation by avoiding scented soap, spermicide, and lubricant that can be irritating.

Another way to reduce the risk of vaginal cuts is by practicing pelvic floor exercises, which can strengthen the muscles around the anus and the vagina. You should also practice proper hygiene, such as washing the area with warm water and a mild soap. You should also avoid tampons and use pads instead until the cut has healed.

See your doctor

If your cut is painful and hasn’t healed after a few days, you should see your doctor. Minor vaginal cuts or tears are common and usually happen as a result of shaving, other body hair removal, sexual activity, foreplay or during childbirth. Some conditions make you more likely to get a vaginal tear or cut than others.

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Small, shallow cuts that haven’t caused pain or infection typically heal up without scarring within a week or two. But more severe genital cuts or tears may require medical treatment in addition to good self-care.

Your healthcare provider will examine the genital area, taking into account your symptoms and history. They will also want to know if you have any underlying conditions that could cause the injury.

The healthcare provider may order a pelvic exam with a speculum or ultrasound to look for the cause of your cuts and see how deep they are. They may also use a mirror to get a better look at the cut.

Your healthcare provider may also swab the vulva for a culture and to check for infections, such as bacterial vaginosis or Candida albicans (yeast). The swab can help diagnose the problem so your doctor can prescribe the right medication. The healthcare provider may also recommend pelvic floor exercises to improve blood flow in the area and help speed up healing.

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