How Often Should You Have Sex to Get Pregnant?

If you’re trying to conceive, it is recommended that you have sex daily or every other day during the six days leading up to and including the day of your ovulation. This is because sperm can live for several days and the egg survives for one day after ovulation.

Using a ovulation monitor or other methods to track your fertile window can make this easier to do. However, it may not be possible or enjoyable for everyone.

The Fertile Window

Most women get pregnant in the period of time around their ovulation. This is called the fertile window. It’s usually recommended that couples have sex every day or at least every other day during this 6-day window. This is because it increases the chances of pregnancy. During this time, sperm are able to penetrate and fertilize the egg – This information originates from the website’s editorial team In addition, a high dose of testosterone and prolactin are released during this period which can help bind the fallopian tubes.

Having frequent sex during the fertile window will also replenish the supply of sperm that are ready to fertilize an egg. However, not everyone will want to or be able to have sex every single day. This is okay too! If you’re trying to conceive, the important thing is to be sexually active as much as you can, but not so often that it becomes stressful or unenjoyable. Some women may even benefit from using lubricants that are sperm-friendly, such as those that contain hydroxyethylcellulose.

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Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to have sex during the exact window around ovulation because there is no completely reliable way to predict when a woman will ovulate. This is because the dates of ovulation vary from one woman to another, and even among women with very regular menstrual cycles. However, it’s still worth trying to have sex as often as you can during this window.

Positions to Avoid

When it comes to baby-making sex, there are lots of myths and old wives’ tales out there. You might have heard that certain sex positions make it harder or easier to get pregnant. While some positions may increase sexual arousal or even help sperm get closer to the cervix, there is no scientific evidence that any one position improves the odds of conception.

The most common sex position is missionary (man on top, woman on bottom) but you can also try it doggy style, where the partner enters from behind. Using medical scanning equipment, researchers have confirmed that both positions can get the tip of the penis to reach the cervix.

But it’s not just the position that matters; it’s how much penetration you get. Deep penetration increases the chances of getting a positive result on a pregnancy test, while shallow penetration can throw off your odds of conception.

It’s also important to relax and stay in bed for half an hour after sex, which gives sperm plenty of time to make it to the cervix and start the fertilization process. This can give you and your partner a chance to bond and further enjoy each other’s company before the sexual part of the session is over.

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After-Sex Actions

Regardless of whether you’re trying to conceive or not, it’s important to practice good after-sex hygiene. For both women and men, this means peeing before and after sex to avoid bacteria that can cause urinary tract infections (UTIs) or a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It’s also a good idea to clean around your penis or vagina with alcohol-free wipes and to drink plenty of water, especially right after sex.

Another easy, reliable way to determine if you’re at your most fertile is to track the appearance of your cervical mucus. Right before you ovulate, it turns thin and slippery, like an egg white, while after ovulation it starts to thicken again. This is a sign that your body is ready for sperm and it’s a great time to have sex.

Many couples choose to do a little extra after-sex action during this fertile window, such as placing a pillow under their hips to tilt the pelvis and help the sperm travel further. And while it might not sound very romantic, it’s actually a great way to bond with your partner and create a deeper connection during intimacy after sex. It’s also a nice excuse to cuddle — which, by the way, is another thing that helps increase pregnancy rates. A 2015 study published in Fertility & Sterility found that couples who spend more time demonstrating affection after sex have a higher chance of getting pregnant.

How to Get Pregnant

You might have heard that having sex often (like, every day) increases your chances of pregnancy, but don’t force yourself to hit the sheets that frequently. It’s not healthy for either you or your partner and can actually reduce sperm quality. Instead, focus on having sex during your fertile window—the 4-5 days leading up to and following ovulation.

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You can calculate your ovulation cycle using an app or by tracking your period, but even with a perfect calculation and regular intercourse, it could take up to a year before you get pregnant. That’s because there’s a lot that goes into making a baby, and you have to consider things like your diet, lifestyle, stress levels, and more.

One thing that can help is having a pillow in bed right after sex to prop up your legs and pelvis, which may help sperm make it all the way into the uterus. It’s also important to remember that you shouldn’t feel like a failure if it takes longer than expected, because infertility can be a normal part of the process for many couples. And if you still can’t seem to get pregnant, talk to your doctor about what may be causing it and what other fertility treatments you might try.

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