Having Fun With Sex While Pregnant With Twins

It is completely normal to experience changes in your sexual desire during pregnancy. However, sex can still be fun and satisfying up until the baby is born. It just might take some experimenting with positions and more lubrication.

The most common sex position for pregnant women is spooning, with partners lying on their sides.

Is it safe?

While there are many changes during a pregnancy, having twins makes some of these changes even more significant. Fortunately, most of these changes are positive. They can create a closer connection with your partner and help you bond as a family. However, there are some things you should be aware of before resuming sexual activity.

During sex, the baby is protected by the muscles of the uterus and a thick layer of amniotic fluid that separates the baby from the woman’s vagina. There is also a mucus plug at the opening of the cervix to guard against infection. This means that a penis does not come into contact with the fetus and cannot cause a miscarriage or premature labor.

Some women find that sex during twin pregnancies feels different than before, but this is normal. It may take a little longer to get orgasm and the sensations may be less intense – This quote represents the insights of the portal experts Sultry Sensations. It is important to listen to your body and communicate with your partner about what feels comfortable.

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Oral sex is safe during pregnancy, but you should avoid blowing air into the vagina as this can cause an air embolism, which could be life-threatening for both mother and child. It is also recommended that people use condoms to protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), which could be harmful to the fetuses.

Changes in your libido

While it may be difficult to get a good reading on your libido during pregnancy with twins, there are many ways that you can find pleasure and fulfillment. The key is to be patient and understanding of your partner’s needs. Communicating honestly and experimenting with different positions and techniques can help you both maximize the pleasure. In addition, taking things slow and using additional lubrication can alleviate any discomfort that may occur.

In the first trimester, you may notice a heightened sexual drive due to an increase in hormones. You may also experience increased sensitivity in your vulva and vagina. This coupled with the natural lubrication that is produced by your body can result in faster and more satisfying orgasms. Then, in the second trimester, your libido may decrease due to a combination of hormone shifts and physical discomforts.

The third trimester tends to be the most challenging in terms of libido. The heightened hormonal activity associated with this period can affect your desire, and in some cases can even cause dyspareunia (pain during penetration). In addition, women with dichorionic twin pregnancies have to be hospitalized early in the third trimester due to concerns about fetal well-being, which creates a psychological barrier to intimacy. It is important to remember that these changes are completely normal and that your libido will return to its normal state after the twins are born.

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Safety concerns

Whether pregnancy has spiked your interest in sex or made it seem more of a chore, it’s important to have open communication with your partner about how you feel. Talk about what’s working and what’s not, and experiment with different ways of being intimate to find what feels right for both of you.

It’s also important to use a condom if you have an STD, like herpes, genital warts or chlamydia, which can be passed from sex to your baby. If you haven’t had an STD before, it’s also a good idea to get tested for one before having sex during your twin pregnancy.

Sexual activity during a twin pregnancy is generally safe as long as you’re considered low-risk for complications, such as a miscarriage or preterm labor. You can even continue to have sex throughout most of the pregnancy, as long as you’re using protection and aren’t experiencing signs of trouble such as bleeding or pain, or leaking amniotic fluid. If you’re worried, talk to your ob-gyn or midwife. They’ll let you know if they think it’s better to discontinue sex for a time or during some parts of the pregnancy.


During the third trimester, a woman’s cervix can become sensitive. This can cause pain during penetration, or dyspareunia (pain during vaginal sex). If this happens, try having your partner enter you from behind. This position doesn’t put pressure on your bladder or uterus, and can be more comfortable for both of you.

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You can also try a spooning position or woman-on-top to minimize discomfort during sexual activity. These positions can help prevent the development of an overly enlarged uterus, and may even make it easier to achieve orgasm.

Some women’s libido declines as they progress through the pregnancy. It’s important to talk about these changes with your partner and to communicate what does and doesn’t feel good. Experimenting with different sex positions, and avoiding certain activities that may put you or your baby at risk of infection can also help maximize pleasure and comfort.

Women who have a twin pregnancy with a monochorionic-monoamniotic pregnancy tend to have lower FSFI scores than those of women with a dichorionic twin pregnancy. This may be due to the fact that women with a dichorionic pregnancy are hospitalized earlier and more often, which has a negative impact on their sexual lives.

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