Does Peeing After Sex Reduce the Chance of Getting Pregnant?

Peeing after sex can mitigate the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs). But this doesn’t prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

Once ejaculated, sperm travel up the vaginal canal and fallopian tubes. This is where fertilization occurs. But if you pee after sex, does this kill the sperm? It doesn’t.


Some women believe that peeing after sex helps reduce the chance of getting pregnant. The practice is thought to help flush bacteria out of the urethra after unprotected sexual intercourse and reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs). However, it does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). Instead, women and men should use barrier methods of contraception and engage in safe sexual practices.

For females, urinating after sex can help to reduce the risk of UTIs by removing bacteria from the urethra. It can also prevent the buildup of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that may cause infection in the future. However, it is not necessary for men as the urethra and the vagina are two different parts of the anatomy. In addition, men tend to have longer urethras than women and so bacteria from the genital area is less likely to reach the bladder after sex.

During unprotected sex, sperm are ejaculated from the male penis into the vagina. They then travel to the uterus through the cervix and fallopian tube. Although urinating after sex may help to remove some of the sperm, it does not prevent pregnancy as sperm can enter the uterus from any direction. Instead, to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex, women should use barrier methods of birth control, such as condoms, and men should use spermicides.

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Urinary Tract Infections

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of the bladder or urethra. UTIs are common, especially in women. It’s important to get them treated as soon as you can, because they can reduce your chances of getting pregnant. Urinary tract infections can also cause other health problems, such as kidney disease.

Having sex can lead to a UTI because bacteria from your partner’s genitals, anus, and fingers can enter your urethra. This can make it harder for your body to empty the bladder, which causes the infection. UTIs can also be caused by bacteria that’s normally in your gastrointestinal system, such as E. coli. It’s not always possible to know who’s infected with bacteria.

Women are more likely to get UTIs because their urethras are shorter and closer to their anuses. Women can also get them from using a diaphragm for birth control or if they’re taking antibiotics. UTIs don’t directly affect fertility, but they can make it more difficult for women to conceive. Fortunately, most UTIs can be treated with antibiotics. If you have frequent urinary tract infections, see your doctor to find out why you keep getting them. They may want to do a pelvic ultrasound or urinalysis to diagnose the infection. They might also recommend that you wear loose pants and use cotton underwear to avoid rubbing bacteria against your skin.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

STIs are bacteria, viruses and parasites that can be passed from one person to another during sexual contact. STIs are also known as STDs and can cause serious health problems for both the person who has an infection and their baby during pregnancy and childbirth.

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Most STIs have no symptoms and are spread through vaginal, anal and oral contact. The infections can affect people of all ages and both men and women.

Chlamydia is a bacterial STI that can impact fertility in both men and women. Symptoms for women include abnormal vaginal discharge, burning during urination or bleeding between periods. Infection with chlamydia can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) which can lead to damage of the uterus and fallopian tubes and infertility. Similarly, untreated gonorrhea can cause inflammation of the urethra and tubal tubes in women which can also lead to infertility. Gonorrhea can also affect sperm production in men and cause epididymitis, an inflammation of the sperm ducts.

The best way to prevent STIs is by abstaining from all forms of sexual activity. However, many STIs are very treatable with antibiotics. Talk to your GP or visit a sexual health clinic about getting tested for STIs. The clinic can offer a range of testing options, including urine and vaginal samples or blood tests. The health care professional can answer any questions you have about your sex history and recommend an appropriate treatment for you.


While it’s true that peeing after sex may help prevent UTIs, it won’t affect your chances of getting pregnant. Pregnancy takes place when a sperm reaches an egg in the fallopian tube and fertilizes it, explains Planned Parenthood. Conception isn’t considered to have happened until the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, which can take up to five days after sexual activity.

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Your vaginal canal, cervix, and uterus are all connected to your urethra via the fallopian tubes. As such, sperm enters the vagina and then passes through the fallopian tube into the uterus, which is where an egg gets implanted. Your urethra sits much closer to the clitoris than your vagina, which is why urinating won’t expel any sperm that might have entered the vagina during sexual intercourse.

However, if you’re experiencing painful or burning urination after sexual intercourse, it could be a sign of an STI or UTI, says Romper. If you experience these symptoms, see your doctor right away for testing and treatment.

In summary, it’s important to practice safe sex and use effective birth control methods to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. If you’re worried about getting a UTI or an STI, talk to your doctor for more information on safe sex and birth control options that work best for you. Also, remember that while peeing after sex doesn’t reduce the chance of pregnancy, emergency contraception (aka Plan B) will.

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