How to Detox Vagina

From scented tampons to feminine powders and sprays, there are many ways to clean your vulva. And now there are “detox pearls,” or yoni pearls, which claim to cleanse your vagina and boost sexual pleasure.

But experts SELF talked to say they’re unnecessary and possibly dangerous. Your uterus and vagina have their own natural cleaning mechanisms and do not need “detoxing.” Instead, try these tips: 1. Eat a healthy diet.

1. Eat a Healthy Diet

You may not have given much thought to the food you eat, but the foods you consume can have a direct effect on your pH balance and overall vaginal health. Certain foods, such as dairy products, can throw your vulva’s bacteria off balance, which leads to infections or itching down there. On the other hand, foods high in probiotics can help keep your vulva’s microflora healthy.

For example, kale is a great low-oxalate vegetable that can be eaten in salads or added to any green smoothie. It also contains vitamin A and C, which help improve blood circulation and boost your immune system. Other vegetables that are good for your vulva include spinach, cabbage, and collard greens.

It’s also important to get enough dietary fiber and omega -3 fatty acids. A diet rich in these nutrients can help keep your uterus and labia healthy, and reduce your risk of inflammation, ovarian cysts, fibroids, and other common gynecological disorders.

You can get these nutrients by eating whole grains, fruits, and veggies. Also, try to eat a variety of proteins, such as lean meats and nuts.

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2. Change Your Hygiene Routine

The best way to clean your vulva is with plain, old water. Over-cleaning can cause irritation (and yuck), and it can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the area. It can also lead to an overgrowth of yeast, which can cause itching, discharge changes and a host of other issues.

You should also avoid any products that claim to “detox” the vagina. “These can be incredibly harmful and actually lead to infection,” says Dr. Minkin. Yoni pearls, for example, require you to leave them in your vagina for 3 days, which can introduce bad bacteria and can cause severe unwanted infections.

Similarly, vaginal steaming can be harmful as well, as it can cause burning and chemical burns in the sensitive area. Douching and vaginal steaming can also kill good bacteria, throw off the acidic pH balance of your vulva, which can lead to bacterial vaginosis or yeast, both of which can be painful, itchy and cause embarrassing or dangerous discharge, according to Dr. Crawford.

Luckily, the gynecologists SELF spoke to say your vagina does a great job of cleaning itself through regular secretions and has a specific pH balance that protects you from unhealthy bacteria, viruses, fungus and other things that can make you feel gross or cause an STD. Stick to basic recommendations, like washing your vulva with a washcloth or just plain water during and after your daily shower, wiping front to back, and wearing loose, breathable underwear. You should also always pee after sex and make sure to clean your sex toys.

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3. Drink Water

As we all know, the body needs to be hydrated to work its best. And it’s no different when it comes to the feminine organ. If we are not drinking enough water, the labia can become dry and susceptible to infection. Dryness is also a common cause of vaginal odor.

In addition to hydration, the best thing we can do for our vulva is to avoid overly harsh products and instead use soaps with gentle ingredients. Over time, washing with too harsh a cleanser can change the vagina’s natural pH level and lead to yeast infections and other issues like itching and burning.

Some of the new trends that are popping up on social media that claim to help detox the vulva include yoni pearls and jade eggs. According to Goddess Detox, yoni pearls “purify” and heal the womb by removing old trauma, past sexual partners, abusers and more. But ob-gyn Maria Sophocles calls this “frighteningly inappropriate” because there is no way that any vaginal product can actually heal sexual trauma.

As for jade eggs, we know that the stones can be used to relieve menstrual pain and cramps but we don’t have much evidence of them doing anything else. So we recommend sticking to a good hygiene routine that includes cleaning with plain water (soapless if possible), avoiding scented feminine washes, always wearing loose-fitting, clean underwear and never douching or V-steaming.

4. Change Your Lifestyle

The vagina is a beautiful, sacred part of the body that most women have very little knowledge about. Unfortunately, this lack of information has led to some very misguided advice and gynecological products floating around the internet. Whether it’s jade eggs, yoni pearls, douching, or vaginal steaming, there are plenty of strange (and unconfirmed) trends that claim to improve the health of your lady parts.

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One such product is yoni pearls, which are small suppositories that contain herbs, like motherwort and wild celery, to be inserted with an applicator into the vulva. These are advertised to clean out the uterus, purge “toxin buildup” from menstrual products and past sexual partners, help with incontinence issues, and reduce bacterial vaginosis.

However, experts tell SELF that these pearls are unnecessary at best and potentially dangerous at worst. They can actually cause infections, as they’re designed to be left in the vulva for up to 48 hours. They can also make the epithelial cells that line the vulva slough, which leads to a thick, foul-smelling discharge.

Instead, focus on practicing good hygiene. This includes showering regularly, using a pH-balanced soap, and changing your underwear frequently to prevent yeast infections, which can change the vagina’s pH level. It’s also important to avoid douching, as it can disrupt the good bacteria that live in your vulva and may lead to infection.

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