What Happens to a Spermatid to Change it Into a Sperm Cell?

Men who are overweight may make fewer or less active sperm. Eating a diet high in antioxidants and doing regular exercise can help them produce healthy sperm.

Sperm cells have a single purpose – to fertilize an egg and pass on the male’s genetic information. They are streamlined in design for this purpose, with a tail to move them forward and lots of energy-producing mitochondria.


The first haploid cell produced during spermatogenesis is called the round spermatid. It has half the number of chromosomes needed to fertilize an egg and initiate embryogenesis. The chromatin in the round spermatid is bound by histones into nucleosomes and contains DNA that is accessible to transcription factors. However, during spermiogenesis, these histones are gradually replaced by proteins that contain over 60% arginine (protamines). This causes the transcription of the DNA to shut down. The resulting chromatin is more compact and less accessible to other proteins.

During spermiogenesis, the round spermatid undergoes two consecutive nuclear divisions known as meiosis. Each meiotic division produces four haploid cells, each with half the number of chromosomes of the original cell. The resulting four cells are called sperms and are able to fertilize an egg, thereby initiating embryogenesis. Meiosis is a form of cell division that differs from mitosis in that it does not involve replication of the DNA. It is divided into prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. The telophase phase of meiosis resembles the final stage of mitosis, except that the sister chromatids are separated rather than being split into identical halves.

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After completing meiosis, the haploid spermatid rests for a while. During this time, a process called interkinesis occurs. During this phase, the nuclear membrane in each of the two resulting cells reforms. The spindle also disintegrates, allowing the chromosomes to separate evenly.

Fusing of the nuclei

The sperm cell, also known as the spermatozoon, contains 23 chromosomes and is motile. It is formed by a process called spermatogenesis, which takes place in the testes of males. This process is necessary for fertilization and sperm penetration. Spermogenesis begins with the formation of diploid germ cells in the testes, known as primary spermatocytes. These cells undergo a process called meiosis, which reduces their number of chromosomes from 46 to 23. The result is a group of round spermatids, each with 23 chromosomes.

The nuclei of these spermatids fuse together to form a diploid cell, and the chromatin in each spermatid is compacted by small proteins called protamines. These proteins are made of over 60% arginine, and they shut down transcription in the nucleus. This enables the chromatin to assume a more crystalline structure.

The spermatid then undergoes a series of maturation steps to become a mature sperm. During this process, the spermatid elongates and develops a tail. The acrosome, which is a membrane-bound enzyme-containing bag over the nucleus, develops and the nucleus starts to rotate (see figure 6). In addition, the manchette, a transient organelle that functions as a shaft for the flagellum, migrates caudally. It is possible that the manchette enables the sperm to move through the sheath of the testis. It may also help the sperm to penetrate the female gamete.

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Addition of a tail

Sperm cells are formed in the seminiferous tubules of the male testicles. They are the precursors of sperm that carry a man’s genetic material and fertilize an egg. During the process of creating sperm, germ cells undergo a series of transformations called spermatogenesis. The most important transformation is the conversion of diploid primary spermatocytes into haploid secondary spermatocytes, which then undergo meiotic division to form four haploid spermatids. The spermatids then transform into mature sperm cells, known as spermatozoa, by undergoing a series of complex changes that are referred to as spermiogenesis.

During the spermiogenesis stage, the round spermatids undergo a dramatic morphological and molecular differentiation into sperm cells. This transformation is characterized by the formation of an acrosome cap that covers the nucleus and is surrounded by a cytoplasmic sheath called the manchette. The acrosome phase also marks the start of spermatid elongation and development of the flagellum, which powers sperm motility. In addition, chromatin condensation occurs and histone proteins are replaced with protamines.

The spermatids are then released from the Sertoli cells and enter the rete testis. This is followed by a peritubular capillary system that transports the sperm cells toward the epididymis. The epididymis is a tube inside the testicles that is responsible for producing testosterone, another important male hormone. As the sperm pass through the epididymis, they become more mature, which is a key factor in successful fertilization.

Membrane hardening

The sperm cell is a small, almond-shaped cell with 23 chromosomes. These chromosomes determine the physical characteristics of a person. The sperm also contains a special X or Y chromosome that determines the sex of the offspring. After a membrane hardening, the sperm fuses with the egg. This fusion occurs when signal transduction in the sperm triggers an increase of cytoplasmic calcium ions. This, in turn, triggers the cortical reaction and a change of the membrane’s electric polarity. The contents of the cortical granules then coat the vitelline membrane and transform it into an impenetrable barrier that is known as a fertilization membrane.

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To reach an egg, sperm cells must first move vigorously in a corkscrew motion. This movement is aided by waves of fluid inside the female reproductive tract, chemical signals, beating cilia and muscular contractions in the uterus. These movements help sperm overcome obstacles such as the ovarian jellylike zona pellucida and dense layers of stroma that surround the egg.

Once a sperm reaches the egg, it releases enzymes that break through the jelly layer and allow it to penetrate the egg. These enzymes are produced by the sperm’s acrosome, which is located in the sperm’s head. The acrosome and the egg recognize each other through a lock-and-key mechanism involving protein receptors on the sperm’s surface and proteins in the egg’s plasma membrane. The fusion of the sperm nucleus with the egg nuclear DNA creates a diploid zygote, or fertilized egg.

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